
Palabra & Voz is a virtual monthly magazine made by and for the students at the Department of Spanish and Portuguese at the University of Toronto. Our main goal is to create a larger sense of belonging within the Undergraduate program, and to provide a community where creative youth can flourish.

Delve into the world of words and voices with us: news, art, language and culture will gush forth from our virtual pages. We invite you to read an introductory note from our hardworking editors where they share the curious details behind the creation of Palabra & Voz – available in EspañolPortuguês and English.

Feel free to contact us if you would like to join, to ask us something, or to provide us with relevant information you would like to make public.

Articles, essays and creative writing submissions are well-appreciated and always welcome; you can send them to palabrayvoz.uoft@gmail.com. Also, find us on Facebook!